

【外国人】Case Study


old_m1_p1_01Ms.G.,a German resident,single,Staying at VISA status of international ServiceGさん(ドイツ人)、単身者、人文知識国際業務で熊本市に滞在

old_m1_p1_01Ms,G,who was to return to Germany on the expiration of her assignment,notified her real-estate agency of her intention to rrlove out and requested a refund on her security deposit. However,the real-estate agency re-fused.
滞在期間を終え、 ドイツに帰国することになったGさん。アパートを引き払う旨を不動産会社に伝え、最初に支払った敷金の返却を要求しました。すると、不動産会社から、修理等で返金はできないと告げられました。
As Ms.G.could not accept the situation as it stood,she asked a legal consultation service at City Hall to negotiate an accurate assessment of the refund with her real-estate agency.As a result,the security deposit was refunded to her. Further,the successor(MS.)was to live in the same apartrnent as Ms,G.had and in talking with the real-estate agency she was able to conclude the housing lease contract under the conditions which stipulated only the payment of the key money and NO repair costs.

old_m1_p1_01Mr.H.,a Chinese resident vvith 4 other family members(spouse and 3children),can speak daily conversational Japanese  Hさん(中国人、日本語での会話可能)、妻と子ども3人の5人家族


old_m1_p1_01Mr.H began to work for a company in Kikuyo town where he lived with his farnily. When he went to a real-estate agency,the agency introduced him to two rented housing units,one in Musash-igaoka,North Ward(Kita Ku)and the other in South Ward(Minami Ku).As he was unfamiliar with Kumamoto’s localities,he visited the Kumamoto City International Center(KCIC) to receive advice on the educational opportunities offered in each ward.
Mr.H’s main concern was about possible education gaps between the two candidate localities because in China education levels differed drastically from place to place.The consultation service at the KCIC explained that the same education would be provided all over Kumamoto city,and then recormmended him housing in Musashigaoka closer to his place of work.

